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WAES Salary Bands

If you have any queries please contact Human Resources at

Support Staff

All vacancies are advertised on a Broad Band: Broad Band Salary Tables. The starting salary will be the first point on the step, unless staff are currently receiving a higher salary, and then it will be on one of the higher steps within the green zone. Successful candidates will be asked to provide proof of their current salary if they are currently earning more than the first step. Please note, no offer of salary will be higher than the top of the green zone.

All staff at Band 3 and above will be required to take part in the Duty Manager Rota which requires staff to work in the evenings and on a Saturday at any of our 3 main site. Please note, TOIL (time off in lieu) is given to staff for this duty.

Teaching Staff

Course Leaders are appointed on a point on the scale dependent on qualifications and experience.

Part Time Tutors are appointed on a spot rate

Course Leader Salary Scale


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