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Jake Warren

Staff Governor

Jake is the Systems Developer for WAES, responsible for developing a robust digital infrastructure.  He has experience as a Systems Developer in a large FE College and as an Information Analyst for a County Council, and also brings skills in strategic project management and data-driven decision-making.  He became a governor at WAES through his interests as a staff member. He currently sits on the Staff Engagement Committee, Sustainability Committee and Data and Systems Committee.  He believes that empowered and supported staff who are leaders in their role are crucial for an excellent learning experience.  While he broadly focuses on the use of technologies in business to automate processes and support staff, he also has experience of strategic project management and using data to inform business objectives.

At WAES, he is the link Governor for Community and Cultural Learning and believes in championing initiatives beyond the classroom, fostering social bonds and promoting British values.  As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, he is dedicated to representing minority communities and influencing processes and policies to ensure diversity is embedded at all levels.