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LGBT+ History Month 2022

For the month of February at WAES and Westminster City Council we are celebrating LGBT+ History Month

Today, February sees communities and allies come together to celebrate important hallmarks in the history (and present day issues) of LGBT rights, to combat prejudice and raise awareness in the fight for equality for LGBT+ people.

Read on for all the ways you can get involved, with free events, online resources and tips on how to be an ally.

How to be an LGBT+ Ally
Being an LGBTQ+ ally is about helping to create an inclusive and supportive environment where everyone feels confident to be themselves. To be an LGBT ally is easy. If you agree in equality and fair treatment in society of people who identify as LGBT then already you are an ally. Here are some things you can do to show your support.

Avoid making assumptions about a person’s sexual orientation and gender.
Avoid assuming someone’s pronouns – instead ask them their pronouns and use the correct pronouns when referring to them. If you make a mistake, correct yourself and move on.
Avoid assuming the gender of someone’s partner – use neutral language such as ‘they’ or ‘partner’ and take the lead from the language your someone uses about their relationship.
Don’t assume that all LGBT+ people are out, or that people are comfortable with everyone knowing their gender identity or sexuality just because they’re comfortable telling their friends or colleagues. Respect people’s privacy and if in doubt, ask.
Keep learning and be open to hearing about people’s experiences!

Donate to support LGBT+ inclusion in schools
Westminster City Council have teamed up with Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea to set up a Justgiving page for Diversity Role Models, a charitable organisation that works with schools to promote anti-bullying and embed inclusion and empathy through educational storytelling, to help combat discrimination for future generations.

All money collected will go directly to the charity. Anything you feel able to give would be much appreciated – no donation is too small to make a difference!

Click here to donate

Connect with LGBTQ+ Culture and History in Westminter
Museum of London
The Museum of London has lots of free exhibitions, videos and articles to help you learn more about the fascinating history of the LGBT+ community in Britain – click here

The British Museum
Go along to discover a free object trail of LGBT+ related artefacts through time – click here

See me
A walk through london’s gay (un)seen by Lee Campbell from 2020 – click here

Gays the Word
Gay’s The Word is the UK’s oldest LGBT bookshop and a touchstone for the broader LGBT community – click here

Queer Tours of London
Visit the sites of key milestones and sites of incredible progress for LGBT+ rights through history. Hear the stories of London’s queer history, learn about the lives, spaces, identities, repression and resistance that form the backdrop of LGBTQI lives today – click here

A short history of LGBT+ rights in the UK
Today, February sees communities and allies come together to celebrate important hallmarks in the history (and present day issues) of LGBT rights, to combat prejudice and raise awareness in the fight for equality for LGBT+ people.

Here at WAES we have created this short video with a timeline of LGBT+ rights in the UK, so you can learn more about the battle for equality so far, and how there is still a long way to go.