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Westminster Adult Education Service

Textile Design with Photoshop
Day(s): Monday
Time: 18:00 - 21:00
Weeks: 4
Start Date: 03/03/2025
Venue: Lisson Grove Centre
Full Fee: £129
Level: Level 1
Concessions: No

On this short course you will learn how to use Adobe Photoshop to create printed textile designs and repeat prints from hand painted, drawn or digital elements.

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Printmaking Taster
Day(s): Wednesday
Time: 13:30 - 16:30
Weeks: 1
Start Date: 23/10/2024
Venue: Lisson Grove Centre
Full Fee: £30
Level: All Levels
Concessions: No

On this taster session, you will learn to make a monotype print. This is created by rolling ink up or painting onto an acetate surface, then printed by hand pushing the paper on the acrylic sheet with a clean roller. This printmaking technique will give you plenty of ideas for future artwork, handmade postcards and wrapping paper.

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Progress with Ceramics: Intermediate-Advanced
Next Start Date: 18/09/2024
Other Dates Available: 11

You will build your proficiency and confidence in handbuilding and/or wheel throwing. You'll produce quality work through a project-based assignment, using contemporary and historical ceramics for inspiration. Learners will be encouraged to be experimental with surface decoration and glazing.

Please note: This course will be tutor supported for half of each session (90 minutes).

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Day(s): Saturday
Time: 10:30 - 16:00
Weeks: 4
Start Date: 28/06/2025
Venue: Lisson Grove Centre
Full Fee: £289
Level: All Levels
Concessions: No

This course introduces learners to the raku firing process which is a low fire process. In raku, pottery is removed from the kiln when red hot.¿It is cooled rapidly, often in combustible material like sawdust or paper.¿Raku can be a very volatile and exciting firing process and produce work with a beautiful lustrous finish or a traditional ‘crackle’ glaze and learners will be able to craft a range of work and select a limited number of items for raku firing on the final session.

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Venue: Various
Full Fee: Free
Level: All Levels
Level: All Levels
Concessions: Yes

Helps you to improve your English in reading, writing and spoken language.

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Venue: Various
Full Fee: Free
Level: All Levels
Level: All Levels
Concessions: Yes

It is based on the syllabus of the ESOL Skills for Life Curriculum for each level and focuses on developing reading, writing and speaking and listening skills over an academic year.

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Oil Painting for Mixed Levels
Next Start Date: 04/11/2024
Other Dates Available: 1

Exploring the unique qualities of oil paint through the use of different methods and techniques. This course, for mixed ability levels, allows the opportunity to create compositions through visual enquiry and close observation. Learn how to structure a pallet and mix colour values and tones that relate to a subject.

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Upcycling Your Clothes
Day(s): Monday
Time: 18:00 - 21:00
Weeks: 3
Start Date: 27/01/2025
Venue: Lisson Grove Centre
Full Fee: £99
Level: All Levels
Concessions: No

Using pre-loved items of clothing, you will learn how to apply design principles and sewing construction techniques to make a unique piece of upcycled, sustainable clothing. You will obtain the skills needed to create numerous design ideas and based using upcycling techniques. You will leave the course with a completed garment and technical file of samples.

Students will consider ethical and sustainable techniques and how individuals can play their part in stopping unwanted clothes going to landfill.

You will need to bring at least two of your own garments to use during this course.

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